Council prepares a budget to calculate how much can be spent on essential services and major projects. The budget also ensures the financial sustainability of the Council.
It depends on where you are in your life. If you have young children or kids at school, you might be interested in the Maternal Child Health Service, immunisation, library services and other support provided for kids such as youth programs, upkeep of community facilities or parks and reserves. If you are in the middle stage of your life, you might value the budget items for new footpaths, drains and the capital expenditure program or the pools. If you are an older Pyrenees resident, the support programs offered by Pyrenees Community Care could be high on your priority list. There is usually something in the Council budget that affects everyone, whether it be the provision of waste services, the grading of a road or the email news you like to receive.
Council's main source of income is from rates and government grants.
Without grants from other levels of government it is not possible to provide the level of service to the community.
Council will be unable to fund some major projects and deliver some of the essential services such as aged care.
Council is forecasting to borrow $650,000 for strategic works that is for the long-term benefit of the municipality. Due to the rate cap imposed by the state government the Council needs to borrow funds for essential strategic works that cannot be paid for rates in one year.
The rate cap is set by the State Government’s Fair Go Rates System and it is 1.75% for this budget.
No the waste charge levied in 2021-22 will remain the same for the 2022-23 budget.
Council reviewed the revenue and rating strategy as part of the budget process. The differentials were reviewed to improve their equity across the municipality. Major changes were
Farm rate 70% of general rate
Commercial rate 115% of general rate
Industrial rate 115% of general rate
The 10 year financial plan sets out the financial strategy of Council over the long term rather than for 1 year. This plan ensures Council is putting in the appropriate strategies to ensure the Councils ongoing financial sustainability.
We acknowledge the people past and present of the Wadawurung, Dja Dja Wurrung, Eastern Maar, and Wotjobaluk tribes whose land forms the Pyrenees Shire. We pay our respect to the customs, traditions and stewardship of the land by the elders and people of these tribes on whose land we meet today.