2022-23 Budget

Project Overview

Mayor Ron Eason and CEO Jim Nolan would like to present to you the 2022-23 Pyrenees Shire Council DRAFT Budget. This budget builds on the Council Plan 2021-25, which was informed by the Shaping the Pyrenees deliberative engagement process last year. This Draft Budget sets out the Council's financial position for the next year and into the future. The rate cap for this budget is set by the State Government's Fair Go Rates system and this year is 1.75%. Rates, charges and fees contribute55% of the Annual Budget, Council is heavily reliant on untied Financial Assistance Grants from the Federal and State Governments. We would like you to take a look at the budget, and if you would like to provide a submission, you can do this via this Engagement Hub site, by email to pyrenees@pyrenees.vic.gov.au, or you can mail it to Budget Submissions, Pyrenees Shire Council, 5 Lawrence Street, Beaufort 3373.

2022-23 Draft Budget Graphic

A graphical explainer of the budget

Budget released for public consultation

2022-23 Proposed Budget Pyrenees Shire Council has prepared the Proposed Budget 2022/23, 10 year Financial Plan ending 2032, and revised Revenue and Rating Plan. Council will formally consider the following at the Ordinary June Meeting (Tuesday, 14 June): 1. Adoption of the proposed Budget 2022/23; 2. Declaration of Rates and Charges for the period 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023; 3. Adoption of the 10 year Financial Plan ending 2032; 4. Adoption of the revised Revenue and Rating Plan.

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Idea Wall

The 2022-23 Draft Budget is now open for submissions. Put your ideas in here, or submit something formal in the contact box.