Proposed road name change in Snake Valley

Project Overview

Council has received an approach from members of the community regarding Blackfellows Lane, Snake Valley.

Council intends to start the process of seeking an alternative name that is deemed more appropriate to the community.

The naming process is governed by the Naming rules for places in Victoria-Statutory requirements for naming road, features and localities – 2022 (available for download at Land Use Victoria), which lists 13 principles to be followed.

Two of these principles that we ask you to consider when proposing a name are listed below:

1. Principle C - Linking name to place

Place names should be relevant to the local area with preference given to unofficial names used by the immediate community. Other examples include local flora and fauna, Australian war contributions, past exploration and settlement, local geography and geology, significant events, the cultural diversity of the past and current inhabitants, or patterns of land usage and industrial/mineral/agricultural production.

2. Principle E – Recognition and use of Traditional Owner Languages

Traditional Owner languages are often based on location; languages are deeply rooted to the land and offer an ideal opportunity to connect a name to a place. The use of Traditional Owner languages enables the wider community to be educated about Traditional Owner history and shared culture.

Impacts of the proposed name change:

  • Any property that has its entrance fronting this road will require to have its address amended to reflect that in line with the Australian Standard AS4819 Standards for Rural and Urban Addressing.
  • Road Names will be updated in Council and State Government databases.
  • If a residential address is used as a postal address, the residential address will also be required to be amended.

How to have your say

Council would like members of the community to take this opportunity to submit a name that you believe would be appropriate for the road. This could be a name relevant to the local flora or fauna or natural environment for example, which we could have translated into local indigenous language.

Council will also consult with the local indigenous community for possible names for this road.

Council is accepting submissions until 30 August 2023.

Have your say by completing the Contact Section on this Engagement Hub page, emailing to Pyrenees Shire, 5 Lawrence Street, Beaufort Vic 3373 with “Blackfellows Lane Submission” as your reference.

Update 31 August 2023: Submissions have now closed. Thankyou for your contributions. You can follow the progress of this proposal atRoad naming - Pyrenees Shire Council.